It can be easy to take things for granted.
When we only see the surface of something, it’s easy to miss all the consideration, effort, and passion behind it.
But when we’re shown what’s at the heart of a story, we naturally connect with it.
My goal is to bring what’s meaningful to the surface so others can recognize and appreciate it.
Through videography, art, and design, I create work that shares more of a whole picture and helps people see what’s special about a subject.

I'm currently interested in stories local to the North Bay that might work as a micro-documentaries. Feel free to contact me with inquiries.

A lithosere describes how a landscape of bare rock can become a forest. First, lichens and natural weathering begin to break down rock surfaces. Mosses use this foothold to grow and convert more rock into soil. Grasses and herbs follow, then shrubs, and finally trees. As each plant grows, it helps others take root. Gradually, the landscape begins to flourish with life; a forest enriched at every stage by growth. I strive to create work that honors our experiences - from big to small, and everything in-between. I want to engage with the ways our lives take shape and share what speaks to what life is or might be. Open a conversation and we might find a project where we can grow together.
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